Mushroom Cloud Over Nagasaki, Lieutenant Charles Levy, 1945
photo was taken by Charles Levy and was the explosion above Hiroshima when Truman had no other choice because of Hirohito refusal to end the war. I selected it because of how iconic it is and how it really does look like a mushroom cloud.
Demi Moore, Annie Leibovitz, 1991
Annie Leibovitz took the Photo and the reason behind the photo was Demi Moore was trying to state that pregnancy isn’t an ugly thing but a good thing, no one should be ashamed of it. The reason why i choose the photo is because i’m a fan of her work and what she was doing to try and change ones mindset when being pregnant, Also Shes hot.
Behind Closed Doors, Donna Ferrato, 1982
Donna Ferrato took the photo, the meaning behind it was to show that men took advantage of women (super not cool and wrong). It led to violence against women act and helped to stop abuse against women. I selected it because I love women and its super wrong to treat them bad, not a nice and human thing to do. I also choose it because i like how the photo was taken.

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