Automatic Mode- The camera does everything for you. It adjusts the ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture, White Balance, etc. However, it guesses what you want, but it won’t exactly get what you want.

Portrait Mode- The camera will automatically largen the aperture and keeps your background out of focus. Gives a shallow depth of field.

Macro Mode- It lets you move closer into your subject to take close up picture. It can also get a great photo of tiny objects. It’s best not to use a tripod or flash when on macro mode.

Landscape Mode- The exact opposite of portrait mode and has the aperture small. It gives a good view and background photo. A tripod could be highly recommend due to the very small aperture.

Sports Mode- It photographs moving objects and captures moments. It freezes the action by increasing the shutter speed. It can be difficult to pull the right moment, but eventually you can get used to it.

Night Mode- Mainly used in low light situations and sets your camera to use a longer shutter speed. This helps capture details of the background and uses the flash to illuminate the foreground & subject. A tripod is highly recommended if you want to shot a non-blurry and excellent photo. Also gives an experimental look.

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